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The Importance of Regular Septic Tank Draining for Homeowners by Professionals

Your septic system collects wastewater and waste from your home in an underground, waterproof tank. Solids sink to the bottom of the tank, while floatable debris floats to the top. Microorganisms break down the solids, and filtered wastewater exits through perforated pipes to your absorption field in the yard.

Regular septic tank service helps keep your septic system functioning properly. If you’ve noticed slow draining or septic smells, call a professional.

Prevents Blocked Drains

Home waste enters the drain system and flows through perforated pipes into the septic tank. Inside the tank, naturally occurring bacteria decompose the waste. The heavier solids settle at the bottom and form a layer of sludge, while lighter materials such as fats and oils float to the top and create a layer of scum. The filtered wastewater, called effluent, exits the tank and is released through the drain field.

If the septic tank becomes full or the household drains get blocked, sewage can return to the home, causing health hazards and expensive repairs. Implement simple habits and consider professional septic tank draining in Orlando, FL, to maintain optimal flow and avoid future headaches.

Keeping your home’s drains clean can prevent them from clogging with grease. Instead of pouring grease down the sink, it is recommended to scrape it into the garbage or wipe pans with a paper towel. If you notice slow drainage in your home, call a professional to perform drain cleaning and septic tank pumping.

Prevents Septic Smells

When wastewater leaves your home, it goes through the septic tank, where bacteria break down the waste. This process causes a layer of scum and a layer of sludge that eventually moves to the drain field. When these layers get too high, it causes a foul odor to be released into your home.

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If your septic tank is complete, a professional can remove the excess sludge and prevent a sewer smell from occurring. Another reason for a foul odor may be a blocked or missing septic vent, which can be fixed with the help of a plumber. It’s also essential to keep the drainfield free of plants, which can clog and damage pipes.

Any unusual sewage or septic tank odors should be dealt with immediately by calling a plumbing company with plumbers on staff to inspect your system. They can also fix any leaking or broken parts and perform regular septic tank cleanings to prevent problems in the future.

Prevents Water Pollution

Many homeowners need to be connected to municipal sewer systems and instead rely on their septic system for waste management. This requires the tank to be pumped regularly to prevent solid waste buildup that could leak into the drain field or soil.

A septic system not pumped regularly could develop clogs or even fail. This is because septic tanks cannot hold all the wastewater and solid waste that flows into them. Solid waste that reaches the tank’s bottom will seep into the drain field and soil, eventually contaminating groundwater.

Neglecting septic tank pumping can also lead to wastewater backups into sinks, toilets, and showers. It can also lead to sewage overflow into the house, a massive health and safety concern for your family. Regular septic tank cleaning helps eliminate these problems and protects your home from costly repairs. It also adds to the resale value of your property.

Prevents Damage to Your Home

Everything that goes down your drains or into your garbage disposal unit ends up in your septic tank. This includes non-biodegradable items, such as cigarette butts, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, and diapers. It also includes household chemicals like paint, glue, and motor oil.

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The septic tank catches and holds the solid waste while filtering the water. It also breaks down these substances over time. The septic system then sends the clean water into your home’s drain field, which is absorbed into the soil.

If you notice your sinks, tubs, and toilets draining slowly or backing up, it is a sign that your septic tank is full. It could also indicate that it is leaking. Taking care of your septic tank is essential to prevent and keep this problem functioning correctly. You should also avoid covering the septic tank and drain field area with structures, which can impede maintenance access. It would help to keep the inlet baffle to your tank open so it doesn’t become clogged.