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Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implants

Dental implants replace missing teeth and restore full function. They also prevent bone loss in the jaw.

Your dentist will assess whether you can have an implant. People with chronic conditions such as diabetes or leukemia and smokers are unsuitable candidates for implant surgery because these can slow healing.

How do they work?

Implants are tiny anchors made from a bio-compatible metal, such as titanium. They are placed into the jawbone and allowed to fuse with the living bone over months. This fusing process is called osseointegration. Once the anchors are firmly fixed, they can support fixed replacement teeth.

The fusing process can take several weeks or even months to complete, but sometimes, an implant can be loaded immediately after it has healed. These implants are called immediate-loading dental implants.

Your dentist or oral surgeon usually uses a local anesthetic during the procedure. However, there will still be some discomfort and swelling in the area. A prescription painkiller will be provided if necessary, and for five to seven days after the surgery, you must only eat soft foods. The implant site must also be kept clean, and you must continue brushing and flossing as before.

How long do they take?

Dental implants are a long-term treatment. They fuse with your bone in a process known as osseointegration, which can take six months and several years to complete. You must understand the entire treatment process before you start.

The initial stage entails thoroughly examining your mouth and jaws to determine whether you have enough healthy bone to sustain an implant. A specialized computer scan (CT or CAT scan) may also be required to assess your mouth’s overall health and identify any issues, such as sinuses, nerves, or bone loss.

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A bone graft may be needed if you don’t have enough healthy bone to support an implant. This can be a simple procedure that uses bone from another part of your body to build up the area where an implant will be placed. Some dentists have specialist training in performing these procedures. If they don’t, they can refer you to an experienced ‘implantologist’ for assessment and treatment.

How much will they cost?

Dental implants Farmingdale NY cost more than traditional bridges or dentures, but they’re a better and more lasting solution in the long run. Depending on your situation, insurance may cover some of the costs. Also, flexible spending accounts, health reimbursement plans, and savings accounts can help defray expenses.

The implant’s metal anchor is usually made of titanium, which fuses with the bone in osseointegration. Other materials, such as zirconia (ceramic), are used for crowns that look like natural teeth. The cost of these materials is slightly higher than that of titanium.

The total costs depend on the number of implants needed, your dentist, and where you live. Additional procedures, such as a sinus lift or bone graft, can add to the cost. Ask your dentist about payment plans, which 80% of dental practices offer. Also, many credit cards and personal loans specifically for dental expenses are available. You can also consider applying for a grant.

What are the risks?

There is a slight chance that the implant might fail to fuse with bone or might require removal. However, most of the time, these risks are minor and treatable with painkillers and antibiotics.

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A severe but sporadic risk is infection – peri-implantitis. This is due to chronic inflammation that leads to bone loss around the implants. This complication of oral surgery requires your dentist’s treatment to prevent it from progressing.

Nerve damage can also occur. Your dentist will take X-rays before your procedure to locate the nerve paths and ensure there are no pre-existing problems that could impact the success of your implant.

Following the post-surgery instructions from your dentist, including eating a soft diet and taking prescription painkillers, is vital to give your dental implants the best possible chance of healing and fusing successfully with jaw bone. Avoid smoking, as it can affect the healing process and decrease the long-term success of your implant.